Thursday, 6 May 2010

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Response: Swearing
Response: Murder
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Response: Binge Drinking
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Response: Infidelity

Friday, 30 April 2010
Response: Hooliganism

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010
Nasty Comedians

Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Bandits and Outlaws

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Recently, the drug Mephedrone has become illegal, but ever since it has been made illegal I have heard so many stories of people taking it. I think that ever since it has become illegal people have found it more rebellious to take it and also it has become really well known because of all the press coverage. I listen to Radio 1 a lot and I remember first hearing about it on the news there and then ever since I've heard it every where. I've even seen someone take it in front of me.
I spoke to the person taking it and asked why they did it and they said because they like the extra buzz that they get off of it. I will never understand why people could do it, but I suppose that once you've tried it and had such a good time on it, then you want to have as much fun as you did the last time that you were on it. It has been said to bring on feelings of happiness, and makes it more easy to stay awake, and dance for longer and feel sociable.
Mephedrone is also known as Meow Meow, Miaow, MCAT, 4MMC, Drone and Bubbles. It's actually used as plant food, so has never been tested on people or even animals, so it could be very harmful. If people take it as a drug it is a 'legal high'. It's chemically quite like amphetamines (speed). It is a stimulant which is what MDMA, Speed and cocaine are, so it can have effects like those do.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Drugs Drugs Drugs!

Sunday, 18 April 2010
Body Modifications

Friday, 16 April 2010
Celebrities and Tattoos

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Sunday, 11 April 2010
Let's get smashed tonight!

Thursday, 8 April 2010
It's not our fault we drink so much!

I think alcohol is a good topic for discussion - there is so much to talk about! So here we go...
Monday, 5 April 2010
Response: Prostitution

Friday, 2 April 2010
Bad Behaviour

In our lecture on bad behaviour we looked at shoplifting. We watched a clip from Family Guy (which just about everyone watches) where one of the characters stole because she couldn't afford it, and then this turned into a continuous occurrence leading her to steal loads of clothes. This episode was quite funny but at the same time it's kind of setting a bad example to viewers. She did however get caught out, meaning that justice was served.
I think shoplifting is very common. It must happen everyday to just about every shop, I reckon. There is the main stereotypical view that its mainly teenagers that steal, such as Chavs. It is pretty easy to shoplift and especially if they are doing it all the time, then they are obviously going to get good at being really sneaky - but that's no excuse! I think that most teenagers shoplift because they see their other friends doing it, therefore, they get pressured into or they just want to be accepted but the group. I feel like this happens to most teenagers throughout their teenage years, in some way or another, if it isn't shoplifting, it'll be something else such as smoking etc. Also, I believe that some teenagers just do it for the thrill or even attention. The thrill might be that they might get caught and that they are doing wrong, therefore they feel rebellious. However, some may just be doing it for the sake of getting some attention, such as if they don't really get noticed by parents or something, so if they get caught shoplifting, the police will get involved therefore their parents will have some the child some attention - which might not be the best way to get attention... but hey ho!
This video is crazy! If this sort of thing is on YouTube, then there is no hope. It's basically telling and showing people how to shoplift. Jeez!!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

I think that there are many different levels of stalking, for example, you can be a total stalker and go to extreme measures of following people home, or you can be a subtle stalker and just keep a keen interest like on Facebook. I think it's totally freakish and weird when a person get so obsessed with someone that it leads to them following them home and maybe having a shrine of them. This is an extreme case, but it does happen!
Saturday, 27 March 2010

In our lecture on bad behaviour we looked at shoplifting. We watched a clip from Family Guy (which just about everyone watches) where one of the characters stole because she couldn't afford it, and then this turned into a continuous occurrence leading her to steal loads of clothes. This episode was quite funny but at the same time it's kind of setting a bad example to viewers. She did however get caught out, meaning that justice was served. Shoplifting is shown on many programmes, but it's usually the teenagers that are doing the crime. This is a stereotypical view of the average teenager. I, personally, have never shoplifted but it has crossed my mind a couple of times because it looks so easy. But I could never seem to bring myself to do it - which I guess is a good thing!
What I find very annoying is that when you go shopping in a group of about 3 or 4, you always get funny looks from the staff or security, sometimes you even get the security keeping an eye on you because they think that you are going to shoplift! Grrr!! We're not all chavs who steal!!
I feel that shoplifting is still classed as theft, however I think that it's completely different to something like a a bank robbery or burglary. When you shoplift from somewhere like Asda, it doesn't seem that bad because it's a big company and they're not going to specifically miss that loaf of bread that you stole. But if you stole from a little shop that was maybe owned by a family, they would notice the stolen object more because they don't have massive batch productions. On the other hand, Burglary is a lot worse than shoplifting because you are purposely breaking into someone's private home and invading their space and then taking items that could mean a lot to them. Being Burgled myself, you don't feel save in your own home any more and it makes you feel conscious of everything. Therefore shoplifting seems like nothing compared to burglary.
I totally agree with the justice served in this article. Teenagers shouldn't get away with these sorts of crime!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Is it really that bad?

Bad cinema can be pretty bad; however everyone has their own personal preferences. I think that Kids is kind of a bad film due to all the horrific scenarios that happen throughout the film. I think that The Hills Have Eyes 2006 is a bad film too because the violent and graphic rape scene that happens is really quite disturbing. Though, the rape scene in The Hills Have Eyes is quite unrealistic, it is still shocking just like the scene in Kids, which is a lot more realistic. I don’t agree that Kids should be banned, because it really isn’t as bad as some people say it is. It may be unique and shocking but I think it’s a good way to get the message across that this stuff happens. We shouldn’t be banning films that are realistic and show the truth of life, we should be producing more of these films to warn teenagers what the real world is like, not showing them silly films with a happy ending that will never happen and giving them false hope. However, what I think they could have shown at the end of the film is some justice shown to the rape victim and guy that was just about beaten to death. Is this sending out the wrong message that if you do these crimes, you’ll just get away with it? Justice needs to be shown to teenagers to make them not commit these vicious acts!!
"While The Hills Have Eyes is truly a sick and disturbing movie, it is also one roller-coaster ride of a horror film that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish" Film Review
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Bad Cinema..?

In our lecture we watched the film Kids (1995) which I thought was pretty good. It was definitely a shock, however we were warned beforehand that it was banned and unrated, so it was kind of expected. But to some extent, no matter how much you are told about it, you are still a shocked when you watch it. I think that it was shocking because the characters where young teenagers who were doing possibly the worse things you could imagine. Drug taking, under aged drinking, shoplifting, rape, violence - All this happened in the film. Wow! I think the worse thing in this film is the rape which happens at the end. Jenny, the girl, is totally out of it because she has taken drugs and a drunken boy, Casper, takes advantage of her. I think this scene is pretty graphic and explicit to say they're young actors. However, I think that this is a good film to show teenagers because it is kind of set in a documentary way, therefore it adds to the realism. These sort of things do happen in real life and I think that the Director did a good job showing this. The sheer realism of this film shouldn't shock us as we have no reason to be shocked due to this sort of thing happening everyday, everywhere.
It could be said that this film is a wakeup call for parents. Do parents actually know what their teenage kids get up to when they go out with their friends? To be completely honest, I don't think that parents actually know what their children do when they're out - This is quite worrying! In the film, the amount of parental guidance is limited. You see Telly's mother sat at home with a baby, whilst smoking. She obviously doesn't have much control of what her son does and she seems to be a bit of a pushover. All parents should make their children watch this and prepare them for the real world!!
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Response to Tracey's blog on smoking

Sunday, 14 March 2010
So many names...

Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Lets all laugh at the word Masturbation - hahaha!
It's totally natural, but people don't feel comfortable talking about it. I, for one, would rather avoid the conversation but I think there are much better things to talk about. My friends are totally open about it but I'd just sit there and laugh at them. I know it's normal but I'm a girl, so it just feels weird to talk about it. However, when guys talk about it, nobody would even bat an eye lid - It's totally expected of guys.

I suppose over time, the view of masturbation has changed loads! Now-a-days in the 21st century, it is a lot more acceptable and people are more open to talking about it. Until the early 1900s, many people regarded masturbation as harmful to a person's health, and it was blamed for a variety of ailments, including insanity. In the 18th and 19th century over 60% of medical and mental illnesses were blamed on masturbation. The History of Masturbation
This is a picture of a device that was used during the 19th century to stop males from masturbating.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Response: Lying With Integrity

I totally agree with what Anna is saying about lying. I don't think lying is always wrong and telling the truth is always right - that isn't the case. The point is, that, if lying means hurting the person that is being lied to then it isn't worse all the pain and trouble. However, as Anna pointed out that if you are going to lie, you should consider whether it will cause more harm or whether someone has a right to know. Therefore, I, personally don't see a problem in lying if it is for the greater good.
However, if the person who had been lied to found out that they had been lied to, it could cause a lot of pilavar. I suppose you've obviously been lied to but you'd done that to save hurting them, but would they see that or would they just simply see that they've been lied to? It's all really complicated. Some would say that 'honesty is the best policy', but seriously, is it really?
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Smoking hot...!

Thursday, 11 February 2010
Hmm... a suggested field trip?