I don't think it is prostitution if you were to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then don't supply it because it's the persons own fault for giving the 'prostitute' money first and just simply expecting to get something. The 'prostitute' isn't necessarily obliged to have sex with the other person just because they gave them money.Therefore, I feel that the 'prostitute' should be allowed to just walk away with the money, without having to have sex with the other person. They shouldn't have jumped to conclusions in the first place. I have a feeling that lots of other people would probably disagree with me here due to the fact that it's probably immoral to take the money of the other person, and they would class this as a form of stealing.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
In the 'Bad Behaviour' lecture, we came across prostitution. We watched a clip of Breakfast at Tiffany's which showed Audrey Hepburn flirting with other men because he looked like he had money. However, I believe that this isn't prostitution because she didn't have an any intention of having sex with the man but then man himself was expecting sex. She just wants the money to help herself. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Party In this clip you see her dancing with a rather ugly man (which you wouldn't expect her to go for, but he obviously has money) - It's just a simple case of flirting. ha!
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