Tuesday 30 March 2010


I think that there are many different levels of stalking, for example, you can be a total stalker and go to extreme measures of following people home, or you can be a subtle stalker and just keep a keen interest like on Facebook. I think it's totally freakish and weird when a person get so obsessed with someone that it leads to them following them home and maybe having a shrine of them. This is an extreme case, but it does happen!
However, just stalking someone on Facebook by keep looking on their profile and reading their messages that other people have sent them is totally fine and you know the person that you're doing it to - plus, as long as you don't exactly tell the other person and keep contacting them in a stalkerish way! I do this to my friends but that's only to find out what they are doing because I'm away at university and they're spread out all over the country, therefore it's handy. I'm a not a stalker!! ha.

On the other hand, you could say that Neighbourhood Watch is kind of stalking. This is because your neighbours are keeping an eye on your house, however they are doing this out of good will. This shouldn't be classed as stalking seeing as your just being friendly and looking out for others, making sure that nothing bad happens to your neighbours. I think its a really good thing to have. Peace of mind.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/8582612.stm - Article on a woman who had been stalked.

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