Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response: Swearing

Jamie's Blog is about swearing and he makes some good points. He mentions that if you were in a fight and you insulted the person by saying that they're nasty, then they would just laugh at you, however if you swear vigorously at them then they might get the message and you don't look silly.
It's weird how when you're younger, you're told not to swear and if you do then you get punished for it. But when you're older, it just seems normal and acceptable. The word 'shit' doesn't seem too offensive in my opinion but the work 'fuck' does. Maybe this is because my mum lets me say 'shit' but I wouldn't even dream of saying 'fuck' in any sentence around her. I think that it totally depends on your upbringing because if you're brought up and your parents/family etc swear around you, then you will just think its normal and acceptable to say swear words. However, I was always punished if I ever swore to my parents.
In Jamie's blog, I think that he could have possibly gone into more detail about swearing with tourettes, this would have been interesting to research and read about.

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