Some body modifications are done because it is rite of passage as the modification is used as induction into maturity. Also, a lot of religions use body modification occurring as an integral part of a religious ceremony, all major religions have or have had body modification as an integral part either sanctioned or unofficially, such as Judaism.
Some of the pictures shown to us during the lecture were horrific but funny. There are a couple that automatically spring to mind because they were so bad and totally random. I think most of those people must only do those sorts of things to shock people. I can't understand why people would want to just do it for fun - like cutting your tongue in half. I understand that one guy wanted to be like a lizard, but I think that he might just have problems. Why would you do it?
Some people do it for tribal reasons which I have no problem with, but I still find it a bit weird but I don't want to judge because that's what they believe. I do, however, disagree with the Chinese women who break they're children's toes to make their feet a lot smaller because they find it more attractive if girls have small feet. I think it's totally disgusting and they shouldn't be allowed to do it. If the children want to do it to themselves once they are older and can understand, then fair enough but to do it whilst they are children, I just think it's sick and wrong. This feet binding and the length of a perfect foot would be 3 inches and if they were any bigger than that, then they were looked down upon and would never get married, therefore the feet binding would have been a complete waste of time. Horrific!!

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