Well, what can you say about smoking? Lots of things in fact...
I personally do not smoke - however, I suppose I can be classed as one of those who is social smoker. I have only smoked a cigarette whilst being drunk and have gotten into the silly habit of pinching a fag off of my friend and smoking while I'm on a night out. I would never dream of smoking whilst sober because I couldn't bare speading all that money on something that isn't actually very nice, whereas I could probably spend the money for a packet of fags on a top in Primark. ha! However, I only socially smoke is because quite a few of my friends smoke, so when we go out they all go out for a cigarette together and I feel left out and I feel abliged to go stand with them...which makes me want to have a fag with them.
'Smoking is highest in the 20-24 age group and lowest among those aged 60 and over' (Smoking Statistics)
I believe that smoking is highest in the 20-24 age group because you are most likely to start smoking during your teens, therefore you get so addicted, you can't stop which leads onto you smoking in your early 20s. However, once you get to your 60s, you realise that you have been smoking for so long that your health is 'pooped' and you're more liable to cancers. Plus you feel so unfit and you age younger - not very nice. I think i'll stay to being a 'non-smoker' (kind of)
Also, smoking was seen to be glamorous, back in the day. In old films, you see the lead female with a cigarette, therefore, making other females of that period to want smoke - just like in my picture. It was believed that persuading weight-conscious women to have a cigarette was just the thing to substitute for a sweet. The old advert which was highly publicized of Lucky Strike’s slogan “Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet"... this is what attracted women to smoking. (Woman Smoking)
...and that is my thoughts on smoking.
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