Thursday 6 May 2010


This will be my last blog for the Being Bad module...sad, I know! ha! I hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as I have writing them. I've found out so much over the past few weeks about anything and everything. I really have enjoyed this module, far more than any other. It's been a right laugh and it's been fairly easy to get with. I'll try and cut down on my binge drinking...I swear. Hahahaha. I can't help being a typical student :)

Thank you and Goodnight.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response: Swearing

Jamie's Blog is about swearing and he makes some good points. He mentions that if you were in a fight and you insulted the person by saying that they're nasty, then they would just laugh at you, however if you swear vigorously at them then they might get the message and you don't look silly.
It's weird how when you're younger, you're told not to swear and if you do then you get punished for it. But when you're older, it just seems normal and acceptable. The word 'shit' doesn't seem too offensive in my opinion but the work 'fuck' does. Maybe this is because my mum lets me say 'shit' but I wouldn't even dream of saying 'fuck' in any sentence around her. I think that it totally depends on your upbringing because if you're brought up and your parents/family etc swear around you, then you will just think its normal and acceptable to say swear words. However, I was always punished if I ever swore to my parents.
In Jamie's blog, I think that he could have possibly gone into more detail about swearing with tourettes, this would have been interesting to research and read about.

Response: Murder

When reading Donna's Blog, I felt like I had written it. She has exactly the same thoughts about murder as I do. 'Life for Life' is exactly what should happen to those people who commit murder. They shouldn't be able to just go to jail where they are safe from all those angry people of the people that they had killed, it's the easy way out! Often, they even get let out early because of 'good behaviour'.... good behaviour?! How could some simple good behaviour allow them the freedom after they murdered someone. It's sickening. I personally think that they should bring back the death penalty!! Simple.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Response: Binge Drinking

In Craig's Blog about binge drinking, he mentions the government and their ways to decrease the amount of binge drinking that happens. Recently, the laws have changed meaning that the use of unlimited drinks after paying an entrance fee is no longer in force. A club that regularly go to, The Planet, used to do a deal where you pay £10 and then you have a stamp which gets you unlimited drinks all night, however this was only available to about 50 people on a first come first serve basis. This no longer happens. When this law happened, many people were gutted and would probably stop going to the club. Suggesting that the club will be loosing business.

To be honest, I don't think that this law will do anything because clubs will obviously find ways to go around this law so that they have just as much business as they did before. Also, people will just pre-drink a lot more before they go out so they don't have to buy as many drinks in the clubs/bars. So basically, I don't think that the government have thought this through. I agree with what Craig says here:

"No matter how much the government raises the price of alcohol by, there will still be student nights at clubs where the drinks will always be cheap. People will always find a way to acquire cheap alcohol."

Saturday 1 May 2010

Response: Infidelity

In Emma's blog she talks about how cheating is totally wrong and I agree with her!! She says that she doesn't understand why people don't just end their relationship before seeing someone else because they're obviously unhappy with their partner - I strongly agree with this and I've just about said the same point in my own blog about infidelity.

Emma includes some statistics of people cheating:
41% of marriages have either one or both spouses admit to having an affair, 57% of males and 54% of females admit to being unfaithful in any relationship they've had. 36% of males and females admit to having an affair with a co-worker or are unfaithful on a business trip.

From these quite high percentages of people being unfaithful is quite shocking and worrying. It makes you wonder if there is anybody that you can completely trust in a relationship to not cheat. Is anyone faithful any more? I found an article about how people are more likely to cheat in the 21st century. I feel that it is a lot easier for people to cheat now a days because they have the internet, mobile phones etc. There are so many ways to be secretive and sneaky. It's crazy!

Friday 30 April 2010

Response: Hooliganism

In Claire's Blog about football hooliganism, she talks about the Hillsborough Disaster which happened on 15th April 1989. The match was an FA Cup semi final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. I only ever heard about this disaster last year when I was watching the news and they were doing a special memorial report about it. When I watched it, it saddened me because it was such an awful disaster and people died because of it. After reading Claire's blog about it, it gave me the same feeling. Also, the video that she has put on explains it all and even shows you it happening. I'm a Nottingham Forest fan and so is the rest of my family - I think my dad was at that actual match.
This event puts in perspective the effects of football and how bad it can get. People obviously treat the sport as if it is a member of their family. I recently watched a film about football hooliganism which is called Green Street. This shows the extents that football fans will go to, which means arranging fights and possibly killing someone just because of the football team rivalry. As Claire says, each team has their own notorious group of fans.
Nottingham Forest and Derby County are big rivals, just like many other teams that Claire mentions. It's pretty surreal how football has this massive effect on football fans making them hate each other. After all, it's just a sport....

Tuesday 27 April 2010


Infidelity can also be said to be having an affair, being unfaithful, adultery, cheating and many more things... It's not a very nice thing and it doesn't really come up in everyday conversation. If it does come up in conversation, it's more likely to be gossip that someone has cheated on someone that they know. Unfortunately, I know many people that have cheated on their wives/husbands, partners, girlfriend/boyfriends. I don't understand why people do it - obviously if they are unhappy in their relationship then it will lead them to commit adultery but some people will be totally happy with their partner and yet they still do it. Why? I just think it's selfish, unfair and pathetic.

These suggestions came up during the lecture of what counts as infidelity....
So being in a relationship and:
- Having an affair?
Yes, definitely! You're doing wrong and going behind your partners back.
- Having a one night stand with someone else?
Yes, you've been unfaithful and the person has a right to know.
- Flirting with other people?
Maybe, but only if it's for a bit of fun and if you're not going to take it any further than a bit of flirting.
- Having a virtual (online) relationship with another?
I think this would count as infidelity because you're obviously having another relationship online, even if you haven't seen them in person. It's practically the same thing!
- Lusting after people?
I think this is just like flirting, but slightly different. It's just like fancying a celebrity but it will never happen (unfortunately)
- Dreaming of having sex with other people?
I don't think this could be classed as infidelity, however, if you carry on having dream about other people then it could become a problem and you;re obviously thinking about cheating, unconsciously.
- Watching porn?
No. They say that watching porn is healthy for your relationship, but if you do it on your own, I still don;t see a problem with it. It's natural.
- Masturbating?
Again, this is totally natural and you can always involve your partner. But I think if you're thinking about someone else whilst doing it, then it could lead to some sort of infidelity.

I think people cheat on their partners because they are either bored of their relationship and want something new, therefore they are selfish and go behind their partners backs. However, I think that some people only do it for the feeling of risk and rebelliation. If they were completely honest about having an affair, then they wouldn't enjoy it as much because they know that they aren't going to get caught. Also, the main reason why people might cheat is because they are having problems in their relationship. “Cheaters might have insecurities within themselves and being able to have more than one partner can be a way to boost their self-esteem”

Saturday 24 April 2010

Nasty Comedians

What is a bad comedian? Personally, the answer would be a person who makes light of a subject that re-enforces stereotypes on particular members of the community. This could be racial, social, cultural, or religious or a combination of them all. Everyone makes jokes in one form or another. How they are told and in what context has an effect how the joke or funny story is received.

I believe that Jimmy Carr could be classed bad comedian because some of his stand-up is very sexist towards women. Meaning that his jokes are mainly aimed at men because he describes women as sex objects and just there to run around after the males. A lot of women like his work, but I just don't find it funny, I find it quite off putting and disgusting. However, when Carr is a T.V programme host, he is really funny because his sense of humour matches mine, plus he isn't sexist (probably because it is all scripted on the shows)

Comedians that use racial basis for their jokes are often seen as highly offensive, and it is this type of comedian that has received the most criticism over recent years. Bernard Manning, Jim Davidson, and Roy Chubby Brown are at the forefront in this type of stand up comedy.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Bandits and Outlaws

As you have already read on other blogs, I'm from Nottingham and a famous outlaw that comes from there is Robin Hood. That is Nottingham's main attraction and most people would have heard of Sherwood Forest. They have even made films, cartoons and a T.V series called Robin Hood but the most recent media representation is the new film Robin Hood starring Russell Crowe.

In the trailer for Robin Hood, they show him as a bad guy and constantly fighting, however they call him a legend...? I understand that Robin Hood is the 'noble robber' who robs from the rich to give to the poor, therefore it makes sense to call him a legend seeing that he is doing good for other people less fortunate.

However, is Robin Hood actually real? I'd like to believe so because that's what makes Nottingham so famous. Plus we have a tourist attraction called Sherwood forest which has the 'Major Oak Tree' that he is supposed to have lived. If it isn't all true, then all that is pointless and just a waste of space. I think it's a nice thing to have though and it's nice to think that the history still exists.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Recently, the drug Mephedrone has become illegal, but ever since it has been made illegal I have heard so many stories of people taking it. I think that ever since it has become illegal people have found it more rebellious to take it and also it has become really well known because of all the press coverage. I listen to Radio 1 a lot and I remember first hearing about it on the news there and then ever since I've heard it every where. I've even seen someone take it in front of me.

I spoke to the person taking it and asked why they did it and they said because they like the extra buzz that they get off of it. I will never understand why people could do it, but I suppose that once you've tried it and had such a good time on it, then you want to have as much fun as you did the last time that you were on it. It has been said to bring on feelings of happiness, and makes it more easy to stay awake, and dance for longer and feel sociable.

Mephedrone is also known as Meow Meow, Miaow, MCAT, 4MMC, Drone and Bubbles. It's actually used as plant food, so has never been tested on people or even animals, so it could be very harmful. If people take it as a drug it is a 'legal high'. It's chemically quite like amphetamines (speed). It is a stimulant which is what MDMA, Speed and cocaine are, so it can have effects like those do.

Monday 19 April 2010

Drugs Drugs Drugs!

Being at university, you are exposed to so many different types of drugs. Everybody knows somebody that has been on some sort of drug or is on drugs. They are so easy to get hold of, even I know where to go if I wanted some! But I don't take drugs and I never have. I don't think I could do it to myself, I wouldn't like not being in control and not knowing what I was doing. I've had loads of people tell me their experiences and they've said that they had a good night however, they wouldn't do it again.

At university, weed is called as the norm, everyone does it because it's just so easy to get hold of plus its cheap. I personally have never tried weed, it's never bothered me but I can easily sit in a room while people are smoking it, it doesn't bother me. What I do hate is when people smoke it in the streets because the smell is so strong and it's not fair on other people walking around. fair enough if you're in you're own place, but I don't agree with people smoking it in public. People tend to smoke weed because it makes them more relaxed, happy and generally laid back.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Body Modifications

At the beginning of the lecture, the lecturer asked us all if we have had any body modifications and only a few people put their hands up. But then he pointed out that cutting our hair, getting our ears pierced, dying our hair etc are all body modifications because we are changing the body from its original state. You can have temporary decorations which include changes that have no lasting effects, such as wearing make-up or there is permanent decoration that cause permanent alteration such as body building or wearing high heals.

Some body modifications are done because it is rite of passage as the modification is used as induction into maturity. Also, a lot of religions use body modification occurring as an integral part of a religious ceremony, all major religions have or have had body modification as an integral part either sanctioned or unofficially, such as Judaism.

Some of the pictures shown to us during the lecture were horrific but funny. There are a couple that automatically spring to mind because they were so bad and totally random. I think most of those people must only do those sorts of things to shock people. I can't understand why people would want to just do it for fun - like cutting your tongue in half. I understand that one guy wanted to be like a lizard, but I think that he might just have problems. Why would you do it?

Some people do it for tribal reasons which I have no problem with, but I still find it a bit weird but I don't want to judge because that's what they believe. I do, however, disagree with the Chinese women who break they're children's toes to make their feet a lot smaller because they find it more attractive if girls have small feet. I think it's totally disgusting and they shouldn't be allowed to do it. If the children want to do it to themselves once they are older and can understand, then fair enough but to do it whilst they are children, I just think it's sick and wrong. This feet binding and the length of a perfect foot would be 3 inches and if they were any bigger than that, then they were looked down upon and would never get married, therefore the feet binding would have been a complete waste of time. Horrific!!

Friday 16 April 2010

Celebrities and Tattoos

A reason why people might want to get a tattoo may be because they have been influenced by a celebrity, such as David and Victoria Beckham. The couple are both famous everywhere over the world and everyone is bound to notice that they both have tattoos - David Beckham especially. Just about everyone knows that Beckham has several tattoos, many of which are in honor of his wife and children. I can understand this as he obviously loves his family loads, but does he really need to show off and get all those tattoos just to show how much he loves them? Victoria Beckham has done the same too but not as extreme as David has. I think that it's a really lovely gesture to do that for the ones that you love, but I think that they don't need to be as bold as noticeable as Beckham has them. However, I can see that it's not anyone's place to judge, because it's his body and if he wanted to do that, then fair plays - we don't have to look. Victoria's tattoo on her neck says in Hebrew text, from the Song of Songs, "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine" I think that this is really sweet.

I disagree with people that have their wife/partner's name tattooed on them because you never know if you'll break up with them and if you do then you're stuck with their name on you for the rest of your life, unless you get it lasered off or covered up. I just can't see the point in it, things could all go wrong. I would hate it if a guy got my name on them because I would feel guilty if we ever broke up and he has that on him. I found this really interesting!!

Thursday 15 April 2010


I found the lecture on Tattoos and Body Modifications really interesting! Its was quite gruesome at times, but my stomach managed to hold out. Pheww! I found out loads of information that I never knew before about tattoos. We were told loads of reasons why people actually go and have tattoos done - they were pretty common sense but why some people do it to themselves, I don't know!

I agree with the idea of getting tattoos that mean something to someone and aren't massively noticeable, but I don't understand why people would want to cover their whole body in them. I don't judge people if they do it, but my personal thought on this is that they're not that nice to look at and you have to have it with you for the rest of your life. I've always wanted to get a tattoo on my wrist, but I have never been able to decide what I wanted on it. Therefore, I won't get one until I'm completely sure because otherwise I'm stuck with it. Before this lecture I was thinking about getting a little star on my wrist, even though everyone has stars, but the lecturer said that the star represents emo's... and I'm not quite an emo haha.

Some of the reasons that were mentioned were like for fashion, rebellious and a form of control. People get tattooed for fashion because they believe that it's the norm to have a tattoo, like the star for example. Therefore they feel like they can fit in with a certain group of people just because they have this body marking. Rebellious people for instance, they are completely the opposite, they get tattoos not to follow the norm. Meaning that they would get tattoos all over the body that are clearly visible and make people look at them twice. Also, for the rebellious reason, teenagers might get a tattoo to shock their parents and get a reaction from everyone - this gives them a thrill as they might be under aged or their parents are totally again them.

I can understand why people want to do it because I have friends that are totally into tattooing and even want to do it as their profession. It's a really artistic thing to do and if you have the confidence to do it, then good on them. I could never do it!

Sunday 11 April 2010

Let's get smashed tonight!

We've all said it at some point in our lives... "Lets get absolutely smashed tonight!"
Why do we say it though? Because we've had a bad day, stressed about something, being dumped, finishing exams etc? It's really quite bad that we even plan to get really drunk, however, it just seems like the norm. We only wake up the next day with a massive hangover saying that you're never going to drink again, but a couple of days later that becomes a total lie. I've been there and done that. (Like most people, I imagine haha)

On the topic of getting really drunk, a lot of universities hold student bar crawls which are organised and designed specifically for students to have a good time and know that they're safe because there'll be leaders there that look after you and direct you to the next bar. In Wolverhampton, we have a bar crawl called BOOM. I've been on most of them and they are a really good night out. You get so so drunk and wake up with a hangover the next day...but it is totally worth the hangover! Everyone just gets along with each other, plus there is a little rivalry with the other pods, but it's all good fun. In the bigger cities, they also have a bar crawl but theirs is called Carnage. This is a well known organisation that allows students to get stupidly drunk whilst being escorted to each bar with stewards. It's a really big event and has recently hit the news. A student was caught urinating on a war memorial. I personally think that the guy was a total idiot and disrespectful for doing it. However, that's what alcohol leads you to do... stupid things. Why do we do it? This is why students have such a bad reputation!

Thursday 8 April 2010

It's not our fault we drink so much!

I think alcohol is a good topic for discussion - there is so much to talk about! So here we go...
Well, being a student and all, we have a massive reputation for getting drunk every night and not making it to lectures but this isn't necessarily true. Well, for me it isn't ha. I do go out quite a lot and drunk a lot but i somehow make it to by lectures even if it kills me. I would say that since I've been to university, I've drank so much more than I usually would at home. Reasons being:
- Just about everyone here does it, so you feel obliged to do it too - it seems like the norm.
- The drinks are so much cheaper then they are at home.
- It's a social thing to do.
- You can have a real good laugh.

All those reasons are mainly why I drink. I have had such a good laugh with my friends when I go out, mainly because we act like idiots. However, the next day you get embarrassed because you either can't remember what you did the night before or you do remember and what you did was cringe worthy. That's happened many a times to me. But writing this and the reasons for why I drink, it's making me think why do I actually get drunk? I spend money on alcohol which sometimes leads to me not even remembering the night, why would you do that? ha. I would love to find out how much I have spent on alcohol over this year - I think it would be a horrific amount!
However, I would say that I don't drink no way near as much alcohol as some people I know. They drink everyday whilst just watching t.v or whatever. I don't see the point in that, I'd much rather just have a glass of water or juice. But saying this, I think that's probably a lot better to do that than do what I do... I binge drink! Probably the worst things you could do. I think that if i'm going to spent that little bit more money on alcohol then I might as well just get absolutely drunk. I don't see the point in drinking if you're not going to get drunk. Silly, I know. But a lot of people I know, think and do the same.

"With many of those studying at university taking advantage of the cheap promotions, coupled with the fact that they are unlikely to have early morning commitments, it is hardly surprising that many find their weekly consumption exceeding the recommended 21 units."

This is so true and is why students do it - It's not our fault!!

Monday 5 April 2010

Response: Prostitution

On Yasmin's blog, she talks about prostitution and how sex is naturally for pleasure and happiness. I agree with this as I think sex should happen with someone you love and not with someone you don't even know. Yasmin suggests a scenario:

A man gives a prostitute woman money she provides sex for the man, hes happy woman happy. Or is it deeper than this? Is the woman truly happy about selling herself? Would she prefer another root to make money?

In response to this, I think that it is deeper than this. I don't necessarily think that the woman enjoys being a prostitute. I think that she is most probably only selling herself to get money, whether it's for drugs or even to help her family but it's probably the easiest and most successful for them to get the money that they need, fast. I reckon that if she had the choice, she could and would prefer another root to make money because prostitution is a dangerous area to get involved in. She may enjoy being a prostitute because it keeps her company and occupied however at the back of her mind, I still think that she wishes that she was doing something else and that she could get out of the business.

Friday 2 April 2010

Bad Behaviour

In our lecture on bad behaviour we looked at shoplifting. We watched a clip from Family Guy (which just about everyone watches) where one of the characters stole because she couldn't afford it, and then this turned into a continuous occurrence leading her to steal loads of clothes. This episode was quite funny but at the same time it's kind of setting a bad example to viewers. She did however get caught out, meaning that justice was served.

I think shoplifting is very common. It must happen everyday to just about every shop, I reckon. There is the main stereotypical view that its mainly teenagers that steal, such as Chavs. It is pretty easy to shoplift and especially if they are doing it all the time, then they are obviously going to get good at being really sneaky - but that's no excuse! I think that most teenagers shoplift because they see their other friends doing it, therefore, they get pressured into or they just want to be accepted but the group. I feel like this happens to most teenagers throughout their teenage years, in some way or another, if it isn't shoplifting, it'll be something else such as smoking etc. Also, I believe that some teenagers just do it for the thrill or even attention. The thrill might be that they might get caught and that they are doing wrong, therefore they feel rebellious. However, some may just be doing it for the sake of getting some attention, such as if they don't really get noticed by parents or something, so if they get caught shoplifting, the police will get involved therefore their parents will have some the child some attention - which might not be the best way to get attention... but hey ho!

This video is crazy! If this sort of thing is on YouTube, then there is no hope. It's basically telling and showing people how to shoplift. Jeez!!

Tuesday 30 March 2010


I think that there are many different levels of stalking, for example, you can be a total stalker and go to extreme measures of following people home, or you can be a subtle stalker and just keep a keen interest like on Facebook. I think it's totally freakish and weird when a person get so obsessed with someone that it leads to them following them home and maybe having a shrine of them. This is an extreme case, but it does happen!
However, just stalking someone on Facebook by keep looking on their profile and reading their messages that other people have sent them is totally fine and you know the person that you're doing it to - plus, as long as you don't exactly tell the other person and keep contacting them in a stalkerish way! I do this to my friends but that's only to find out what they are doing because I'm away at university and they're spread out all over the country, therefore it's handy. I'm a not a stalker!! ha.

On the other hand, you could say that Neighbourhood Watch is kind of stalking. This is because your neighbours are keeping an eye on your house, however they are doing this out of good will. This shouldn't be classed as stalking seeing as your just being friendly and looking out for others, making sure that nothing bad happens to your neighbours. I think its a really good thing to have. Peace of mind. - Article on a woman who had been stalked.

Saturday 27 March 2010


In our lecture on bad behaviour we looked at shoplifting. We watched a clip from Family Guy (which just about everyone watches) where one of the characters stole because she couldn't afford it, and then this turned into a continuous occurrence leading her to steal loads of clothes. This episode was quite funny but at the same time it's kind of setting a bad example to viewers. She did however get caught out, meaning that justice was served. Shoplifting is shown on many programmes, but it's usually the teenagers that are doing the crime. This is a stereotypical view of the average teenager. I, personally, have never shoplifted but it has crossed my mind a couple of times because it looks so easy. But I could never seem to bring myself to do it - which I guess is a good thing!

What I find very annoying is that when you go shopping in a group of about 3 or 4, you always get funny looks from the staff or security, sometimes you even get the security keeping an eye on you because they think that you are going to shoplift! Grrr!! We're not all chavs who steal!!

I feel that shoplifting is still classed as theft, however I think that it's completely different to something like a a bank robbery or burglary. When you shoplift from somewhere like Asda, it doesn't seem that bad because it's a big company and they're not going to specifically miss that loaf of bread that you stole. But if you stole from a little shop that was maybe owned by a family, they would notice the stolen object more because they don't have massive batch productions. On the other hand, Burglary is a lot worse than shoplifting because you are purposely breaking into someone's private home and invading their space and then taking items that could mean a lot to them. Being Burgled myself, you don't feel save in your own home any more and it makes you feel conscious of everything. Therefore shoplifting seems like nothing compared to burglary.

I totally agree with the justice served in this article. Teenagers shouldn't get away with these sorts of crime!


In the 'Bad Behaviour' lecture, we came across prostitution. We watched a clip of Breakfast at Tiffany's which showed Audrey Hepburn flirting with other men because he looked like he had money. However, I believe that this isn't prostitution because she didn't have an any intention of having sex with the man but then man himself was expecting sex. She just wants the money to help herself. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Party In this clip you see her dancing with a rather ugly man (which you wouldn't expect her to go for, but he obviously has money) - It's just a simple case of flirting. ha!
I don't think it is prostitution if you were to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then don't supply it because it's the persons own fault for giving the 'prostitute' money first and just simply expecting to get something. The 'prostitute' isn't necessarily obliged to have sex with the other person just because they gave them money.Therefore, I feel that the 'prostitute' should be allowed to just walk away with the money, without having to have sex with the other person. They shouldn't have jumped to conclusions in the first place. I have a feeling that lots of other people would probably disagree with me here due to the fact that it's probably immoral to take the money of the other person, and they would class this as a form of stealing.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Is it really that bad?

Bad cinema can be pretty bad; however everyone has their own personal preferences. I think that Kids is kind of a bad film due to all the horrific scenarios that happen throughout the film. I think that The Hills Have Eyes 2006 is a bad film too because the violent and graphic rape scene that happens is really quite disturbing. Though, the rape scene in The Hills Have Eyes is quite unrealistic, it is still shocking just like the scene in Kids, which is a lot more realistic. I don’t agree that Kids should be banned, because it really isn’t as bad as some people say it is. It may be unique and shocking but I think it’s a good way to get the message across that this stuff happens. We shouldn’t be banning films that are realistic and show the truth of life, we should be producing more of these films to warn teenagers what the real world is like, not showing them silly films with a happy ending that will never happen and giving them false hope. However, what I think they could have shown at the end of the film is some justice shown to the rape victim and guy that was just about beaten to death. Is this sending out the wrong message that if you do these crimes, you’ll just get away with it? Justice needs to be shown to teenagers to make them not commit these vicious acts!!

"While The Hills Have Eyes is truly a sick and disturbing movie, it is also one roller-coaster ride of a horror film that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish" Film Review

Saturday 20 March 2010

Bad Cinema..?

In our lecture we watched the film Kids (1995) which I thought was pretty good. It was definitely a shock, however we were warned beforehand that it was banned and unrated, so it was kind of expected. But to some extent, no matter how much you are told about it, you are still a shocked when you watch it. I think that it was shocking because the characters where young teenagers who were doing possibly the worse things you could imagine. Drug taking, under aged drinking, shoplifting, rape, violence - All this happened in the film. Wow! I think the worse thing in this film is the rape which happens at the end. Jenny, the girl, is totally out of it because she has taken drugs and a drunken boy, Casper, takes advantage of her. I think this scene is pretty graphic and explicit to say they're young actors. However, I think that this is a good film to show teenagers because it is kind of set in a documentary way, therefore it adds to the realism. These sort of things do happen in real life and I think that the Director did a good job showing this. The sheer realism of this film shouldn't shock us as we have no reason to be shocked due to this sort of thing happening everyday, everywhere.

It could be said that this film is a wakeup call for parents. Do parents actually know what their teenage kids get up to when they go out with their friends? To be completely honest, I don't think that parents actually know what their children do when they're out - This is quite worrying! In the film, the amount of parental guidance is limited. You see Telly's mother sat at home with a baby, whilst smoking. She obviously doesn't have much control of what her son does and she seems to be a bit of a pushover. All parents should make their children watch this and prepare them for the real world!!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Response to Tracey's blog on smoking

I agree with what Tracey says on her blog. For most people, the thrill of smoking when young is just because you're not meant to be doing it, therefore you feel rebellious and you're breaking all the rules. I personally never did this, but I can totally understand why some people would do it. However, other things such as lying to your parents about where you were or something like that is more like the kind of thing I used to do. Haha. I suppose it's just as bad really. But once your parents find out, it doesn't seem as fun to do it any more. The excitement and rebellious feeling has gone. You're not shocking anyone any more.

Sunday 14 March 2010

So many names...

There are so many different words for the term Masturbation, such as wanking, choking the chicken, beating off, jacking off and many more... All of these names are on Urban Dictionary. Urban Dictionary is an on-line dictionary which tells you the definition of a slang word - it can also be quite rude at times, but very funny! I suppose over the years it has become a lot more easier for people to talk about masturbation, such as teenagers being the main culprits. Now-a-days, teenagers have their own terminology for this kind of thing which I guess makes it easier for them to talk about, for example if they used all the proper language such as 'masturbation' or 'pleasuring ones self' then they wouldn't be able to take it serious. It can be a totally embarrassing topic for some people, meaning that they never talk about it and if it comes up in conversation then they try and change the subject. I can totally totally agree with those types of people! I'm a girl and I feel that it's just completely weird for other girls to talk about that sort of thing.

...However, it seems a totally different matter when boys talk about it. It's just normal for them.

Well, that's my opinion. I can imagine lots of other girls will totally disagree with me. But maybe they're the more confident types of girls and don't get embarrassed about anything...?

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Lets all laugh at the word Masturbation - hahaha!

Masturbation! Masturbation! Masturbation!

It's totally natural, but people don't feel comfortable talking about it. I, for one, would rather avoid the conversation but I think there are much better things to talk about. My friends are totally open about it but I'd just sit there and laugh at them. I know it's normal but I'm a girl, so it just feels weird to talk about it. However, when guys talk about it, nobody would even bat an eye lid - It's totally expected of guys.

I suppose over time, the view of masturbation has changed loads! Now-a-days in the 21st century, it is a lot more acceptable and people are more open to talking about it. Until the early 1900s, many people regarded masturbation as harmful to a person's health, and it was blamed for a variety of ailments, including insanity. In the 18th and 19th century over 60% of medical and mental illnesses were blamed on masturbation. The History of Masturbation
This is a picture of a device that was used during the 19th century to stop males from masturbating.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Response: Lying With Integrity

I totally agree with what Anna is saying about lying. I don't think lying is always wrong and telling the truth is always right - that isn't the case. The point is, that, if lying means hurting the person that is being lied to then it isn't worse all the pain and trouble. However, as Anna pointed out that if you are going to lie, you should consider whether it will cause more harm or whether someone has a right to know. Therefore, I, personally don't see a problem in lying if it is for the greater good.

However, if the person who had been lied to found out that they had been lied to, it could cause a lot of pilavar. I suppose you've obviously been lied to but you'd done that to save hurting them, but would they see that or would they just simply see that they've been lied to? It's all really complicated. Some would say that 'honesty is the best policy', but seriously, is it really?

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Smoking hot...!

Well, what can you say about smoking? Lots of things in fact...
I personally do not smoke - however, I suppose I can be classed as one of those who is social smoker. I have only smoked a cigarette whilst being drunk and have gotten into the silly habit of pinching a fag off of my friend and smoking while I'm on a night out. I would never dream of smoking whilst sober because I couldn't bare speading all that money on something that isn't actually very nice, whereas I could probably spend the money for a packet of fags on a top in Primark. ha! However, I only socially smoke is because quite a few of my friends smoke, so when we go out they all go out for a cigarette together and I feel left out and I feel abliged to go stand with them...which makes me want to have a fag with them.
'Smoking is highest in the 20-24 age group and lowest among those aged 60 and over' (Smoking Statistics)
I believe that smoking is highest in the 20-24 age group because you are most likely to start smoking during your teens, therefore you get so addicted, you can't stop which leads onto you smoking in your early 20s. However, once you get to your 60s, you realise that you have been smoking for so long that your health is 'pooped' and you're more liable to cancers. Plus you feel so unfit and you age younger - not very nice. I think i'll stay to being a 'non-smoker' (kind of)
Also, smoking was seen to be glamorous, back in the day. In old films, you see the lead female with a cigarette, therefore, making other females of that period to want smoke - just like in my picture. It was believed that persuading weight-conscious women to have a cigarette was just the thing to substitute for a sweet. The old advert which was highly publicized of Lucky Strike’s slogan “Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet"... this is what attracted women to smoking. (Woman Smoking)
...and that is my thoughts on smoking.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Hmm... a suggested field trip?

Trying to think of a place to go for this module is hard - but one place comes to mind instandly... Nottingham!

This is my home town and it seems to have a really bad reputation. I never realised how bad it was until I came here to university and every new person that I meet and tell that I'm from Nottingham, will either mention guns, knives, murders or violence. It's pretty funny to hear actually because seeing that I'm from there, I've never witnessed a murder etc.

I guess this will be a good place to visit as it has it's famous road that loads of prostitutes 'hang out' waiting for business. (It's even been on television, ha) Seeing as a prostitution crops up in this module in the Bad Behaviour lecture, it seems like a relivant place to go.

- However, Nottingham in general just seems like a bad place to go, only because of it's bad reputation that it has... Shottingham!

I, personally, love Nottingham :)